Monday, February 20, 2017

Golden Goose System Bonus (5 Whooping Niche Packages!)

Hi guys!

Here's my bonus video for Desmond's Golden Goose System (GGS):

Click Here To Get GGS Now

Note: If you haven't seen my review of the GGS, you can read it in the post below... 

As you've seen in the video above, I've put up 5 niche packages for you to supercharge your results with GGS. 

Each of these niche packages will contain at least 30 pieces of content you can use to create lead magnets or new products fast without you having to write a lick of word. 

You see, one big thing holding back many people from succeeding online is they just cannot create content.

That is why I put up these 5 niche packages to make sure you get over the problem of "no content" and start succeeding by putting together everything you learnt in GGS into action faster than anyone else without these packages. 

There is a real retail value of $27 for each of these niche packages, so times that by 5... 

This bonus package has a real world value of $135! 

Here's what you need to do to claim your 5 niche packages (worth $135) today: 

Step #1: Invest in Golden Goose System now via this link 

Step #2: Send me an email with your receipt to and I'll send you your 5 niche packages within 24 hours.


Look forward to hearing from you soon.

To your success,
Edwin Koh

Desmond Ong's Golden Goose System Complete Review (From A Real Buyer!)

Here's my video review of the system, followed by my text review below: 


I'll begin with a review of Desmond Ong's Golden Goose System (GGS).

Before we begin, I wanna tell you that this isn't some hyped up review and that I am a real buyer of this course.

And I'm writing this because I genuinely found the GGS to be wonderful.

So, lets get started by talking about the system.

What is the Golden Goose System?

This is a system that got it derivative idea from the age old tale of "The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs."

Essentially, it's a course that teaches you how you can have your own "golden goose" through digital marketing, and the various things you need to do to be able to harvest from this golden goose for a long time to come.

I looked through the course, and found it to be fairly decent,.

For one, Desmond seems very sincere and upfront in his sharing.

In fact, just in the first video of the course, he goes into some personal backstories that you don't always hear about, so when you get the course, you would feel like there is a personal touch to it.

GGS members area screenshot
Screenshot from members area
The training makes you feel up close and personal to the trainer Desmond, for sure.

And the rapport he builds with you will make consuming the course much more palatable.

After the introduction video, we get access to...

The Course Content

The course begins with a standard (but effective) tirade about how we should be focused, determine our why's, and all that good personal development stuff.

Then Desmond goes on to share with you the Golden Goose Blueprint, which centers around you creating an online business around your passion.

The training consists of one long training module, a PDF blueprint, and 4 followup webinars.

Golden Goose Blueprint
Blurred Screenshot of the Golden Goose Blueprint (*Hint* It's really detailed)

This method of presentation is good because it chunks down the necessary "how to" skills and makes it easier for you to consume the content.

Support & Bonuses

Along with the course content you get when you join GGS, Desmond also goes the extra mile by giving you access to his own email address, his support team, and a bunch of other cool bonuses.

In a sense, this is really good because you get somewhat of a "mentor" to ask questions if you need any help.

Other cool bonuses include access to Desmond's VIP facebook group, a free ticket to his live event in New york (worth $497), and monthly webinar support.


All in all, I find the $19 you'll spend on getting the Golden Goose System to be absolutely worth it.

There's alot of great content in the course, you get wonderful support, and a bunch of cool bonuses for just $19.

I'd like to think that a course like that should be priced higher, but hey, who am I to complain?

Here's What You Need To Do Next... 


If you have not gotten access to GGS, then I want you to get it today via this link now:

To "bribe" you do get the golden goose system, I am also giving away a cool bonus for anyone who grabs it through my link

More on the bonus in the other post above.

All you need to do is get GGS now, and send me an email at and I'll get to you the bonuses within 24 hours.


To your success,
Edwin Koh

About Desmond Ong

If your desire is weak, nothing is going to work for you.
- Desmond Ong

Believe it or not, I spoke to Desmond on the phone before (actually it was on skype). 

We were doing a coaching call together and during the session, he helped me breakthrough many of the barriers I had about the internet business.

For example, for the longest time ever, I never had the courage to sell my own products because I felt I wasn't "good enough." 

He helped me to understand that its really not about me, but rather the value I could deliver to the market that matters. This little snippet of the call was important to help me understand that I REALLY could be the one to deliver products to the market. 

Of course, he goes through a similar blueprint in the Golden Goose System (GGS) too.

Anyway, this post isn't about me.

I just wanted to write the above to thank Desmond for the wonderful coaching call we had. 

But more about him.

Did you know? 

Actually Desmond wasn't an overnight success. And just like many great people, he too came from humble beginnings. In GGS, Desmond talks a little about his background and where he came from.

When he first started out marketing online, he was also a nobody and had no money. So, to pay for basic online tools like domain names and hosting, he worked as a restaurant bus boy making less than US$1 an hour (imagine that!). 

It was until he started blogging and being serious about the internet business that he started to see a modicum of success. 

And today, he is the marketing guru we all see.

Anyhow, I'm rambling and gonna stop. 

If you wanna learn more about Desmond and the recently launched GGS, you can check it out via this link here: 

I just wanna say he's a great guy and if you are looking for someone to teach you the ropes when it comes to owning an online business, Desmond's the guy.

Enjoy the rest of this blog! 

To your success,
Edwin Koh